Property Taxes
The first installment is due January 31 and payable to the Town of Brockway Treasurer, Jann Dahl P.O. Box 484 Black River Falls, 54615. The second installment is due July 31 and is payable to the Jackson County Treasurer. The address for the County Treasurer is:
Jackson County Treasurer
307 Main Street
Black River Falls, WI 54615
Click Here To access the Jackson County Treasurer Online
1. Your tax bill(s) has a bottom portion that needs to be returned with your payment. Your check is your receipt unless you send a self-addressed stamped envelope for your receipt to be mailed back in. Tax payments by mail are encouraged and will be given prompt attention. You will be charged interest & penalty of 1 1/2% per month if you fail to pay the correct amount by the specified dates. The charge for NSF checks is $30.
2. No reminders will be sent for the second installment. If you choose to pay in two installments it is your responsibility to pay when due. SECOND installment checks should be made payable to and sent to Jackson County Treasurer.